Suchergebnis - Transformation

XMLBlueprint XML Editor 10.0

XMLBlueprint XML Editor 10.0 Testversion 11182 

XML-Editor und Validator von XML-Dokumenten, DTDs, Relax NG-Schemata und XML-Schemas. Es unterstützt Unicode bewusst Textbearbeitung, XML Layout Aufräumen, Echtzeit-XML-Färbung, kontextsensitive…

Altova XMLSpy Professional Edition 2014r2

Altova XMLSpy Professional Edition 2014r2 Testversion 17618 

Altova XMLSpy 2014 Professional Edition ist die führende XML-Entwicklungsumgebung bietet intuitive Ansichten und leistungsfähigen XML-Dienstprogramme zum Modellieren, bearbeiten, transformieren und…

oXygen XML Author 15.2

oXygen XML Author 15.2 Testversion 13455 

Sauerstoff XML Author ist eine Multi-Plattform Visual XML-Editor. Unterstützt visual XML-Bearbeitung von CSS-Stylesheets mit Spezialisierungen für DITA, DocBook 4 und…

Reallusion CrazyTalk PRO 6.21

Reallusion CrazyTalk PRO 6.21  3396 

CrazyTalk 6 features multiple actor animation for generating real-time dialogue sequences, VividEye technology increasing the high realism of virtual eye…

Little AlterBoy 5.3.2

Little AlterBoy 5.3.2  11507 

Little AlterBoy is Soundtoys’ exciting new tool for dramatic voice alteration. Get a huge range of vocal transformations from one…

Ircam Trax V3

Ircam Trax V3  10825 

TRAX Transformer is based on an augmented phase vocoder technology and a cutting edge transformation algorithm, allowing for manipulating characteristic…

BYclouder Audio Converter Pro

BYclouder Audio Converter Pro  2435 

Optimized for different Audio Player device and provides a dozen audio conversion programme, to meet all of your audio conversion…

Spherical Panorama 3D Stereo Video Viewer 7.01

Spherical Panorama 3D Stereo Video Viewer 7.01 Kostenlose Version 3037 

Spherical Panorama 3D Stereo Video Viewer, software allow to viewing usual video as affordable interactive stereo video with the Spherical…

Reallusion CrazyTalk PRO (German) 6.21

Reallusion CrazyTalk PRO (German) 6.21  3257 

CrazyTalk 6 features multiple actor animation for generating real-time dialogue sequences, VividEye technology increasing the high realism of virtual eye…

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